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StopAttack: the easiest and non-violent way to keep safe...

Logo Stop Attack

With the StopAttack, you go out safely.

With the StopAttack, you walk through the streets confidently.

With StopAttack, your children are also safe: they know how to protect themselves.

With your StopAttack, you no longer have anything to fear.

With your StopAttack, no one will be able to abuse you anymore...

With your StopAttack, you keep bad people away effortlessly.

Wherever you are. Day and night. On land, and even : in the sea.
Your StopAttack protects you against all attackers. : human or animals.

What is StopAttack?

The StopAttack is a powerful flash, which enables you to blind any attacker, during 2 to 4 minutes...


The effect is immediate: the attacker immediately closes his eyes, and therefore: he can no longer see you for 2 to 4 minutes.

As he can no longer see you, your attacker can no longer harm you.

Conclusion: you have successfully stopped the attack, and now, you have 2 to 4 minutes to leave and get to safety.


Congratulations !....

How does your StopAttack work?

Your StopAttack is really easy to use : in the event of an attack, take your StopAttack,


in your hand, aim for the bad boy’s face, and press the button,


It’s over !...

WHITHOUT your StopAttack®

You are easy prey, with no means of defense.

WITH your StopAttack®

You blind the aggressor.
fast, easy, and non-violent
You will never be a victim anymore.

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